X3FL Unofficial Patch

This is an unofficial patch focusing on fixing/improving the built in features.
This patch is save game compatible with the base game, future versions will attempt to remain save game compatible


Download and install the SPK package file via the Plugin Manager.

Manual Installation

If you prefer to install manually, you an download the ZIP file and extract it to your Terran Conflict directory.

The zip file contains the addon2 directory, so it needs to be unpacked to the game root

If you have other mods you will need to rename the fake patch files (06.cat, 06.dat) so they are in sequence with your existing patch files.


  • Fixed Negative shares being bought at stock exchanged
  • Fixed freeze in collect marines job
  • Fixed HephCorp jump beacon ship being captured
  • Fixed text in ship browser (steering)
  • Fixed Jump Beacon price
  • Fixed trade distribution stock command to use destination amounts
  • Fixed trade distribution fill command to correctly wait
  • Fixed Mercury SuperFreighter hull value
  • Fixed collector achievements
  • Fixed adding additional resupply wares
  • Fixed Master Collector working locally
  • Fixed drone spawning position when ejecting drones
  • Fixed Fleet commands showing correctly
  • Fixed memory leak in dead agents
  • Fixed Asteroid in Complex Planner that no longer exist
  • Fixed Sneaky Acheivement
  • Fixed illegal Scans
  • Fixed freeze in Best Buy/Sells menu
  • Fixed ships with large ships docked from traveling through gates
  • Fixed Factory colour toggle
  • Fixed passenger status when ejecting/recollecting
  • Fixed space suits trying to go to enemy stations (ie Xenon Stations)
  • Fixed DockTrader job moving between sectors correctly
  • Fixed corporations loosing main race licences
  • Fixed Discovery points text display in player info menu
  • Fixed pirate bases relocating to inaccessable sectors
  • Fixed scavenger ships trying to goto inaccessable pirate bases
  • Fixed disbanding of wings
  • Fixed jumps display in factory trade menu
  • Fixed Station Manager when home sector is blacklisted
  • Fixed applying upgrades from HQ loadouts
  • Fixed Merchants using incorrect wares
  • Fixed pack station command when moving freight via drones
  • Fixed returning wares when deploying a packed station
  • Fixed move through gate command while docked
  • Fixed HEPT showing up in Station section (Freight Exchange)
  • Fixed text error in Flight School Tutorial
  • Fixed shields in starting mine (Nividium Miner)
  • Fixed resupply amount display (Additional Resupply)
  • Fixed station manager fuel resupply amount
  • Fixed account transaction over 2 billion
  • Fixed account transaction report displaying negative large numbers
  • Fixed station manager attempting to get resources above HQ Maximum settings
  • Fixed missing relay becon blueprint on Pirate Courior start
  • Fixed owner check in auto mining script
  • Fixed Mission Built Solar Powerplants primary/secondary resource
  • Fixed wares with no price showing in Networth Menu
  • Fixed Networth displaying deployable wares (Satellites, Lasertowers, etc)
  • Fixed Sell at Station menu option for Best Sells menu
  • Fixed Trade Reports showing weapon
  • Fixed Trade report showing correct value when equipping multiple ships
  • Fixed Terran TS ship selection for missions (Hayabusa, Mercator)
  • Fixed assination missions for Darkspace
  • Fixed removing ships from repair queue
  • Fixed HQ Repair from removing some ship settings
  • Fixed HQ Loadouts for Resupply Fuel
  • Fixed hq info display for stations
  • Fixed taxi jobs from using invalid races for passengers
  • Fixed destination stations for Corporation passenger transport missions
  • Fixed Hired TL from not undocking after leaving your service
  • Fixed move to coordinates command invalid input
  • Fixed ejected suits idling after buying used ships
  • Fixed clicking tabs in script editor menu
  • Fixed Xtreme tour of a life time mission
  • Fixed local trader range selection display
  • Fixed drones clearing command when docking at Drone Carrier
  • Fixed jumping out of gateless sectors
  • Fixed mission ships attempting to repair off course
  • Fixed loading of additional conversations files
  • Fixed script command, remove all wrecks
  • Fixed height of comm window
  • Fixed SIGNAL_ATTACKED from repeating
  • Fixed mission ships fleeing
  • Fixed Autopilot: Collect on astronauts
  • Fixed Argon stations in Split space
  • Fixed blank message in station building service
  • Fixed readtext error in station building service
  • Fixed plot mission givers being hidden
  • Fixed Salvage Insurance showing in Freight Bay
  • Fixed Station Manager repairing ships at HQ
  • Fixed local Stock Exchange
  • Fixed missions in Omicron Lyrae Beta
  • Fixed pirate base price
  • Fixed cycle tab in sector menu
  • Fixed Frieght Transfer via Drones, target and source ship being the same
  • Fixed mouse scrolling in some menus
  • Fixed selection of homebase in Fetch/Deliver commands
  • Fixed Defend Station fleet command menu
  • Fixed explorer points being added to sectors
  • Fixed target race display in mission briefings
  • Fixed custom menu info lines, colours split across lines
  • Fixed custom menu formatted info line columns
  • Fixed notoriety between races
  • Fixed requirements display in deliver ship missions
  • Fixed requirements display in build station missions
  • Fixed Terran Orbital Laser/Fusion beam factory in complex building placement
  • Fixed station manager going to wrong supply stations
  • Fixed some hardcoded texts
  • Fixed loading additional text files upon game start
  • Fixed Friend relations between races when loading save game from older versions
  • Fixed encyclopedia description scroll to top on selection change
  • Fixed Dukes being enemy with NMMC
  • Fixed docking slot of newly bought ship
  • Fixed shipyard display for stations in ships cargo
  • Fixed mouse switching ship type in carrier management
  • Fixed mouse switching values in reports menu
  • Fixed camera drone spawning
  • Fixed encyclopedia new status when viewing page
  • Fixed fly through gate command on spacesuits
  • Removed debug messages in dukes boarding scripts
  • Limited factory serial to omega


  • Improved spawning location for corporation ships
  • Improved LT/UT global blacklist handling
  • Improved station manager handling of blacklisted sectors
  • Increased respawn timer for Xenon Incursions
  • Improved extending of existing complexes (Build MK3)
  • Improved enemy race selection for assination missions
  • Improved ship type selection for missions
  • Improved turret scripts
  • Improved station manager ship protection
  • Improved station manager use of emergency jump
  • Improved consuming of dock and secondary wares
  • Improved forced pirate enemies
  • Improved command info text for Station Manager and Account Transfer
  • Improved Purging old mission actors
  • Improved Wing Command: Protect, input menu
  • Allowed removing homebase in Trade Distrubution Run
  • Adjusted production count of various weapons
  • Adjusted Discovery/Special Discvoery/Journal to show no price
  • Adjusted Trade missions to work with any ship
  • Added Transporter device to Dukes HQ
  • Added Transfer Freight menu to player stations (Split from Adjust Station Parameters)
  • Added option to Disable SETA Safeties
  • Added hired TL option to pack your stations
  • Added Notification – Ship Attacked
  • Added Notification – Ship Killed
  • Added Notification – Station Attacked
  • Added Notification – Station Killed
  • Added setting to disable HQ Notifications
  • Added setting to disable factory colouring
  • Added Hotkey: Toggle Turbo Booster
  • Added notority bar to station encyclopedia page
  • Added Cargo bay full text in trade menu
  • Added Payment/Honour for releasing passengers at Goner Temple
  • Added Unfocussed Jumpdrive
  • Added “Has Blueprint” to station/ship info
  • Added Save game count statastic
  • Added additional game tips
  • Added Strip Ship option in HQ Docked ship control
  • Added stripping of ship when recycling or reverse engineering
  • Added saving/loading to Custom Start Dialog
  • Added sector/galaxy hotkeys to Owned Ship list menu
  • Added Auto setting for individual races in Global Blacklist
  • Added Global option for disabling station colouring (Graphics Options)
  • Added News count to Encyclopedia sidebar entry
  • Added total ware cost for each ware in barter menu
  • Added Property menu filter: Factories
  • Added Property menu filter: Ships managed by homebase
  • Added External factories/complexes in complex planner
  • Added headquarters queue options to ship context menu while docked
  • Added stations to recycleable list in HQ info menu
  • Added Jumpdrive from gate/beacon context menu
  • Added Collect ware from flying ware context menu
  • Added Build station missions to corporations
  • Added station defence missions available to Darkspace Corporation
  • Added list of requirements on mission briefings
  • Added Sector Colour to property owned menu
  • Added pirate docks avaialble for sale at pirate shipyards
  • Added option to reload external script files in Script Editor
  • Added Autopilot: Collect, to astronauts/marines
  • Added Plot Assistance (Plot Guide for new players)
  • Added additional help items to Encyclopedia
  • Added switch tab hotkey (default: Tab)
  • Added Buy/sell/equip filter to trade menu in Docks
  • Added custom start file selection when loading
  • Added Hyperlinks to Mission Briefing requirements
  • Added more missions to corporations & pirates
  • Added requirements/details to more mission briefings
  • Added Captial Worlds status
  • Added additional info for Discovery Points
  • Added Resources/Products to docks
  • Added Homebase setting to Huge Ships
  • Added sector/galaxy hotkey to marines/pilots in personal tab (My Properties)
  • Added additional ship types to custom start (Kogarasu Maru)
  • Added playership docking on NPC carriers
  • Added Fighter Drone MK2 to more docks
  • Saved open status in encyclopaedia
  • Added Autopilot: Fly to command to asteroid context menu
  • Added per unit price on account transaction for trades
  • Added item counts to encyclopaedia sub groups
  • Removed price display for some wares (Quantum Processor/Focus Crystal)
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Adjusted notoriety levels


  • New Game Start – ATF Enforcer
  • New Game Start – OTAS Technitian
  • New Game Start – Pirate Courier
  • New Race – Darkspace
  • New Sector – Terran Unknown Sector (Darkspace)
  • New Ship Command – Upgrade factories (TL)
  • Sector Music Control – Change the music track of claimed sectors


  • Fixed custom ship commands displaying info correctly
  • Fixed Custom trade bar clicking beyond min/max (script menus)
  • Fixed custom menus return value when opening context menus
  • Fixed script command: get all ship types
  • Fixed script command: get docking port class string
  • Fixed script command: loadout resupply settings
  • Fixed hidden wares in asteroids
  • Fixed script SIGNAL_OWNERCHANGED old owner parameter for station
  • Fixed custom object context, “ishidden” arguments
  • Fixed missing “Select Agent” in script editor (Script Editor)
  • Fixed XML Data handling for integers (Script Editor)
  • Fixed command, destroy object: killer
  • Fixed script engine version (increased)
  • Fixed unregister god event script commands
  • Fixed Merge/Clone table script commands
  • Fixed get tasks commands to adjust the correct task number (task – 1)
  • Fixed custom menu formatted info line columns
  • Fixed custom menu info lines, colours split across lines
  • Fixed Race limited weapons in loadouts
  • Fixed Displaying of enemy ships when opening sector map from scripts
  • Fixed HasFreeDockPort script command
  • Fixed hyperlinked info line displaying twice
  • Improved custom object context menu handling
  • Improved display of custom mneu hyperlinked info text
  • Improved display of race limited weapons in ship info
  • Adjust SignalCreated to also run after initilisation (first argument is boolean for before and after init)
  • Added script command: Split string by width
  • Added additional sections for custom object context menu items
  • Added patch_global file for adjustable patch settings
  • Added number of marines per boarding pod to patch_global
  • Added new constants, RaceFlg.Inactive, MEvent.TradeFull, MEvent.TradeEmpty, PlotFlags
  • Added control over race faces
  • Added Collision Warn ship signal
  • Added “galaxy.all.initplayership” for custom galaxies
  • Added “Jobs.all” and “JobWings.all” for custom galaxyies
  • Added Events to sectors (SetOwner, Claimed, Activated, Deactived)
  • Added Dock and Secondary ware consumtion rate to patch_globals
  • Added additional sector info script commands
  • Added additional object info to work with ships
  • Added race restrictions to laser compatibility
  • Added delay to scripted comm’s question
  • Added patch_global to suppress modified message
  • Added dynamic race corporation modifier
  • Added production modifiers to sector
  • Added sector race override (display only)
  • Added lasermasks to patch_globals (for default loadouts)
  • Added override controls for race limited weapons
  • Added no energy jump flag to jump command
  • Added generic beacon/satellite class
  • Added Fighter/Freight classes to MD shiptype class
  • Added force docking flag to MD
  • Added always allowing comms to MD (even if enemy)
  • Added setting attacked reponse in MD
  • Added client state (“nojumpdrive”) to MD
  • Added jumping out animation to MD warp object command
  • Added SG_SCRIPT_EDITOR to patch_global (for automatically enabling script editor)
  • Added option to reload external script files in Script Editor
  • Added Custom option selections (add options to gameplay options menu)
  • Added object info menu overrides
  • Added key id to register hotkey commands (for fixed position hotkeys)
  • Added HullShield ware to patch globals
  • Removed debug from station manager
  • Adjusted get ship base cost to include price variation

New Script Commands

  • <RetVar=> split string: <Var/String>, to width: <Var/Number>
  • add object context entry: id=<Var/String>, class=<Var/ObjClass>, icon=<Var/Number>, pageid=<Var/Number>, textid=<Var/Number>, script=<Script>, type=<Var/Number>
  • add object context entry: id=<Var/String>, class=<Var/ObjClass>, icon=<Var/Number>, pageid=<Var/Number>, textid=<Var/Number>, scriptname=<Var/String>, type=<Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> get true race blacklist: race=<Var/Race>
  • <RetVar=> get global friend/foe race blacklist: race=<Var/Race>
  • <RetVar=> get start day
  • <RetVar=> set start day
  • <RetVar=> get player marines
  • <RetVar=> get player marines: in space, addto=<Var/Table>
  • <RetVar=> get player marines: boarding, addto=<Var/Table>
  • <RetVar=> get player marines: on ships, addto=<Var/Table>
  • <RetVar=> get player marines: on stations, addto=<Var/Table>
  • <RetVar=> get player pilots
  • <RetVar=> get player marines: in training, addto=<Var/Table>
  • <RetVar=> get player marines: waiting pickup, addto=<Var/Table>
  • <RetVar=> <RefObj-> is stationary flagged
  • <RefObj-> set stationary flag: <Var/Boolean>
  • <RetVar=> exponential interpolation: x1=<Var/Number>, x2=<Var/Number>, y1=<Var/Number>, y2=<Var/Number>, value=<Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> logarithmic interpolation: x1=<Var/Number>, x2=<Var/Number>, y1=<Var/Number>, y2=<Var/Number>, value=<Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is race active
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> does race have enconomy
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is organised race
  • <RaceObj-> clear all race threats
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is race piloted
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is pirate race
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> can race have marines
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is fixed notority race
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is XUniverse race
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is terran race
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is aggressive race
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is default race
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is race pilot sub race
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is NPC race
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is player race
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> is non talking race
  • register god event script: script=<Script>, prio=<Var/Number>
  • unregister god event script: script=<Script>
  • register god event script: scriptname=<Var/String>, prio=<Var/Number>
  • unregister god event script: scriptname=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> <RaceObj-> should corporation use speaker race
  • <RaceObj-> set should corporation use speaker race: <Var/Boolean>
  • <RaceObj-> set corporation speaker race: <Var/Race>
  • <RaceObj-> set corporation connected race: <Var/Race>
  • add custom upgrade: ware=<Var/Ware>, shiptype=<Var/ShipType>
  • add custom drone: ware=<Var/Ware>, shiptype=<Var/ShipType>, default command=<Var/ShipCommand>
  • remove custom upgrade: ware=<Var/Ware>
  • write to player logbook: type=<Var/Number>, text=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> <HQ-> get HQ blueprint time: ware=<Var/Ware>, only available=<Var/Boolean>
  • <RetVar=> <HQ-> get HQ blueprint product count: ware=<Var/Ware>
  • <RetVar=> <HQ-> get HQ blueprint count: ware=<Var/Ware>
  • <RetVar=> <HQ-> get HQ recyclable objects: include queued=<Var/Boolean>
  • <RetVar=> <HQ-> get HQ recyclable stations: include queued=<Var/Boolean>
  • <RetVar=> is race blacklist automatic
  • <RetVar=> <Station-> get dock true products table
  • <RetVar=> <Station-> get dock true resources table
  • <RetVar=> <Station-> get dock true tradeables table
  • <RetVar=> <Station-> get dock storage wares
  • <RetVar=> <Station-> get dock storage wares table
  • <RetVar=> <Passenger-> is passenger a pilot
  • <RetVar=> <Passenger-> get marine status: as string=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> get fleet leader count
  • <RetVar=> get fleet ships count
  • <RetVar=> get all fleet leaders
  • add ware deployment: ware=%0, script=<Script>
  • add ware deployment: ware=%0, scriptname=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> get ware deployment script: ware=<Var/Ware>
  • <RetVar=> <Sector-> get sector colour
  • <Sector-> set sector colour: <Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> get real time
  • <Sector-> clear sector objects
  • <Sector-> remove sector wreck: <Var/Wreck>
  • load universe map: <Var/String>
  • <RefObj-> set override comm range: <Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> %0get override comm range
  • <Sector-> set sector text id: <Var/Number>
  • <Sector-> set sector description id: <Var/Number>
  • <Sector-> clear all wrecks
  • <RetVar=> <Sector-> has sector fog of war
  • <Sector-> set sector fog of war: <Var/Boolean>
  • <RetVar=> <Sector-> is sector always jumpable
  • <Sector-> set sector always jumpable: <Var/Boolean>
  • add script selection option: name=<Var/String>, pageid=<Var/Number>, textid=<Var/Number>, options=<Var/Array>, default=<Var/Number>
  • add script selection option: name=<Var/String>, pageid=<Var/Number>, textid=<Var/Number>, options=<Var/Array>, default=<Var/Number>, callback script=<Script>
  • remove script selection option: name=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> get script selection value: name=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> get all script selection options
  • set script selection option: name=<Var/String>, value=<Var/Number>
  • add script selection option: name=<Var/String>, pageid=<Var/Number>, textid=<Var/Number>, options=<Var/Array>, default=<Var/Number>, callback scriptname=<Var/String>
  • add object info menu: class=<Var/ObjClass>, script=<Script>, prio=<Var/Number>
  • add object info menu: class=<Var/ObjClass>, scriptname=<Var/String>, prio=<Var/Number>
  • remove object info menu: class=<Var/ObjClass>, script=<Script>
  • remove object info menu: class=<Var/ObjClass>, scriptname=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> get files in directory: <Var/String> search pattern=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> get random face: race=<Var/Race>, subrace=<Var/Race>, female=<Var/Boolean>
  • <Race->add face: id=<Var/Number>, female=<Var/Boolean>, subrace=<Var/Race>
  • <Race->remove face: id=<Var/Number>, female=<Var/Boolean>, subrace=<Var/Race>
  • <RetVar=> <Race->get faces: female=<Var/Boolean>, subrace=<Var/Race>
  • <RetVar=> <Race->get face from id: <Var/Number>, female=<Var/Boolean>, subrace=<Var/Race>
  • <RetVar=> <Var/Number> << <Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> <Var/Number> >> <Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> get matrix from angles: alpha=<Var/Number>, beta=<Var/Number>, gamma=<Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> get angles from vector: x=<Var/Number>, y=<Var/Number>, z=<Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> get angles from matrix: <Var/Array>
  • <RetVar=> matrix multiple: <Var/Array> * <Var/Array>
  • <RetVar=> matrix multiple inverse: <Var/Array> * <Var/Array>
  • <RetVar=> rotate vector: <Var/Array>, alpha=<Var/Number>, beta=<Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> rotate vector inverse: <Var/Array>, alpha=<Var/Number>, beta=<Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> <Sector->is capital sector
  • <Sector->set capital sector: <Var/Boolean>
  • <RetVar=> <Sector>has sector additional info
  • <Sector>add sector additional info: id=<Var/String>, title=<Var/String>, data=<Var/String>
  • <Sector>add sector additional info: id=<Var/String>, title page=<Var/Number>, title id=<Var/Number>, data page=<Var/Number>, data id=<Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> <Sector>get sector additional data
  • <RetVar=> <Sector>get sector additional data title: id=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> <Sector>get sector additional data text: id=<Var/String>
  • <Sector>remove sector additional data: id=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> get ware description: ware=<Var/Ware>
  • remove god proposed station: id=<Var/Number>
  • add laser restriction: laser=<Var/Laser>, race=<Var/Race>
  • remove laser restriction: laser=<Var/Laser>, race=<Var/Race>
  • clear laser restrictions: laser=<Var/Laser>
  • <RetVar=> get laser restrictions: laser=<Var/Laser>
  • <RetVar=> is laser restricted: laser=<Var/Laser>, race=<Var/Race>
  • <RetVar=> can ship type install laser: shiptype=<Var/ShipType>, laser=<Var/Laser>, turret=<Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> get system time
  • <RetVar=> get custom ranks: sorted=<Var/Boolean>
  • <RetVar=> get mission ranks
  • set custom rank: id=<Var/String>, name page=<Var/Number>, name id=<Var/Number>, title page=<Var/Number>, title id=<Var/Number>, percent=<Var/Number>
  • set custom rank: id=<Var/String>, name=<Var/String>, title=<Var/String>, percent=<Var/Number>
  • <RetVar=> get custom rank string: id=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> get custom rank name: id=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> get custom rank title: id=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> get custom rank percent: id=<Var/String>
  • <RetVar=> set allow player docking: <Var/Boolean>
  • <RetVar=> <Ship>is allow player docking
  • remove custom rank: id=<Var/String>